Monday, May 16, 2011

Mind Mapping


In 2002 Farrand, Hussain, and Hennesey set out to measure the effectiveness of mind mapping. To establish a baseline, 50 study subjects were given a 600 word passage of text before separating them into two groups – the ‘self selected study technique’ and the ‘mind map’.

Subjects were then given 30 minutes to study the text. The ‘self selected study’ group was left to their own methods, while the mind map group were first trained in the principles of mind mapping, and then given the same allotment of time to study the text.

After the 30 minutes, both study groups showed an improvement over the baseline testing scores. However, when tested one week later, the ‘mind map’ group demonstrated a 10% increase in factual recall. - As seen on MindMeister 07/28/2011 12:28PM EST

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