Classroom Management

The classroom management model that I follow is based on a research-based, classroom and school reform model that builds on shared responsibility for learning and classroom organization between teachers and students.  This model is called "Consistency Management & Cooperative Discipline" (CMCD). 

I am an experienced CMCD Facilitator and CMCD Teacher Trainer.  When this model is used to fidelity, the Consistency Management & Cooperative Discipline philosophy incorporates five themes in order to build resilience with inner-city youth:

Stennett  & Luckenson at Celebrating Our Work Breakfast.
Prevention -- classroom management is problem prevention rather than problem solving, thus reducing the need for intervention;

Caring -- a caring environment is the foundation for school reform (students want to know how much you care, not how much you know);

Cooperation -- moving from tourists to citizens leads to ownership, involvement and greater opportunities for student self-discipline;

Organization -- classroom organization is a mutual responsibility that adds valuable teaching and learning time and builds student  ownership and self-discipline; and

Parent; Mrs. Rivera (far right) joins daughter; Katy for SAAD.
Community -- a tapestry of parental and community involvement activities and events are necessary to link school with home and meet the needs of the changing American family.

Each theme includes strategies and activities that allow students to become real partners in the classroom.

Raymond "Gemz" Champagnie; "The Announcer" wrote,
directed and performed in the video "A Homboyz Service
Announcement" (based on the novel "Homeboyz" by
Alan Lawrence Sitomer) in Alan Lawrence Sitomer's first
annual Digital BookJam Contest with classmates in my 6th
period Language Arts class.  He successfully passed the ACT
the following day and is now preparing to campaign for
literacy in schools in the Coconut Creek High School
feeder pattern.  CLICK HERE to see "Homeboyz"
How It Works
In a "Person-Centered Classroom", CMCD promotes a classroom environment that turns student "tourists" into student "citizens'.  I like to refer to this as "rowing" not "drifting" (which was the motto of my high school Alma mater, Venice Senior High).

When the model works, it creates an active classroom where cooperation, participation, and support are the cornerstones.

This model works best in schools that have adopted the program but can be implemented effectively in the developmental reading classroom due to its unique time schedule (yearlong, double periods).

My goal is to help students transfer the intrinsic benefits and leadership skills that they learn throughout their secondary school career; as they continue to move from classroom to classroom with a sense of responsibility by participating fully in his/her learning environment.

Seniors responding to 7 Essential Questions based on themes
in Homboyz by Alan Lawerence Sitomer.
Everyone Participates
Consistency Management focuses on classroom and instructional organization and planning by the teacher. From seating arrangements to passing out papers, sharpening pencils, attendance taking, using time, and providing equal opportunity to participate in class, the teacher, as the instructional leader, creates a supportive and caring environment in which all members can participate and learn.

Hunter Downing teaching Chapter 7 of the Hoopster.
We're All Teachers
Cooperative Discipline expands the leadership roles in the classroom from the teacher to the students. It gives all students the opportunity to become leaders. Given multiple chances for leadership in small and large ways, students gain the experiences necessary to become self- disciplined. Students are partners and stakeholders in the classroom, from creating a classroom constitution to establishing new job responsibilities for some fifty tasks that teachers usually take upon themselves.

Student Selected Work Wall.
I value and appreciate every student's choice to be "the teacher" and to "lead by example." I encourage ALL students to showcase their success via student portfolios and posting their work on the "Student Selected Work" wall.  If "we" are all going to succeed, "we" all have to work together.  This is "No Student Left Behind." We ALL are responsible for EVERYONE's success. EVERYONE is expected to participate. It is "our" success.

For more information contact:
H. Jerome Freiberg, Project Director
Consistency Management & Cooperative Discipline
College of Education, University of Houston
Houston, Texas 77204-5874
Telephone: 713-743-8663; Fax: 713-743-8664
E-mail:; Web page: